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Percentage Change of Major Agricultural Crops Prices 2000 to 2023

Crops 2001 / 2000 2002 / 2001 2003 / 2002 2004 / 2003 2005 / 2004 2006 / 2005 2007 / 2006 2008 / 2007 2009 / 2008 2010 / 2009 2011/2010 2012/2011 2013/2012 2014/2013 2015/2014 2016/2015 2017/2016 2018/2017 2019/2018 2020/2019 2021/2020 2022/2021 2023/2022
Percentage Change in Export Prices EC$
Banana -4.44 26.28 12.42 0.18 .. .. -5.40 -1.59 -1.53 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Cocoa 8.80 2.43 30.16 15.52 7.52 28.23 13.43 -0.65 -5.48 -6.60 2.10 1.63 5.36 2.41 4.54 -7.78 3.91 -10.38 12.57 -1.21 0.78 1.38 2.56
Nutmegs -21.51 -1.21 3.12 -9.93 9.84 -26.07 7.80 68.04 -1.47 15.91 65.90 52.78 -16.66 -33.92 -20.73 -5.17 -10.52 -1.28 -3.90 -16.99 .. ..
Mace -33.51 -1.98 16.26 -19.16 58.47 11.20 9.79 -7.76 -7.99 31.96 101.43 14.43 -23.47 -35.82 -20.36 -0.62 -2.97 6.63 4.29 -5.72 .. ..
Percentage Change in Domestics Prices (Price Paid to Farmers)
Banana 15.64 8.10 6.71 7.53 88.05 -23.20 -1.72 4.72 0.82 29.90 -5.13 0.00 -5.41 12.86 1.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .. .. ..
Cocoa 18.38 19.26 -0.02 16.57 -4.74 21.68 18.70 19.35 1.68 2.31 5.52 5.50 1.24 -4.17 -0.26 -2.31 0.26 -2.88 -14.56 19.56 .. .. ..
Nutmegs -0.09 28.34 -19.63 -35.19 65.87 20.46 18.55 -4.65 -6.11 13.61 67.53 23.91 0.04 -2.22 -18.14 -0.15 -21.45 -2.40 -2.03 0.03 .. .. ..
Mace -8.69 -14.41 4.55 19.83 13.88 6.23 4.05 1.19 -31.81 -1.77 12.52 91.24 6.43 -1.57 -46.08 -4.11 -1.59 5.34 38.85 47.43 .. .. ..
.. Means data not available for the specific reference period
There was No Banana Export for the Year 2005, 2010 to 2020
Source: Grenada Banana Co-Operative Society / Min. Of Agriculture/ Grenada Nutmeg Co-Operative Association, Central Statistical Office