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Consumer Price Index and Annual Inflation Rate for January to December, 2012 to 2023

Code Description Weights CPI Annual Average (Jan - Dec) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Annual Avg Inflation Rate 2013/2012 2014/2013 2015/2014 2016/2017 2017/2016 2018/2017 2019/2018 2020/2019 2021/2020 2022/2021 2023/2022
2012 2012/ 2011
0 All Products 100 109.28 109.23 108.16 107.53 109.37 110.37 111.26 111.92 111.09 112.45 115.33 118.46 2.41 -0.05 -0.98 -0.58 1.72 0.91 0.8 0.6 -0.74 1.22 2.56 2.71
11.01 Food and non-alcoholic beverages 20.35 113.71 114.74 115.68 116.72 114.15 114.76 116.15 116.61 117.82 119.81 126.71 136.46 3 0.9 0.82 0.9 -2.2 0.54 1.21 0.4 1.04 1.69 5.75 7.7
11.02 Alcohol beverages, tobacco and narcotics 1.83 115.28 118.14 122.57 123.54 124.63 125.21 125.18 124.15 124.71 124.55 127.19 135.58 0.5 2.48 3.75 0.8 0.88 0.46 -0.02 -0.83 0.45 -0.12 2.12 6.6
11.03 Clothing and footwear 3.66 104.77 102.93 101.63 100.12 102.39 102.78 102.67 104.22 103.65 103.86 104.44 105.62 1.19 -1.76 -1.26 -1.49 2.27 0.38 -0.11 1.51 -0.53 0.19 0.57 1.12
11.04 Housing, water, electricity, gas & other fuels 29.05 105.78 106.04 106.02 103.02 101.75 102.42 103.91 103.96 102.54 103.89 107.86 108.91 0.48 0.25 -0.02 -2.83 -1.24 0.66 1.45 0.05 -1.36 1.32 3.82 0.98
11.05 Furnishing, household equipment & routine household maintenance 4.5 111.52 111.75 110.5 109.41 111.11 111.42 111.37 111.65 111.54 111.52 112.92 115.07 6.9 0.2 -1.12 -0.98 1.55 0.28 -0.05 0.25 -0.1 -0.01 1.26 1.91
11.06 Health 1.94 125.08 125.78 127.03 130.99 134.05 133.82 134.82 138.47 140.25 145.9 150.04 153.69 7.91 0.56 1 3.12 2.33 -0.17 0.74 2.71 1.28 4.03 2.83 2.44
11.07 Transport 18.72 108.97 110.62 111.99 107.63 109.74 110.99 110.27 112.16 108.27 110.63 109.83 111.27 3.45 1.51 1.24 -3.89 1.96 1.14 -0.65 1.71 -3.47 2.19 -0.73 1.31
11.08 Communication 10.03 115.27 106.58 91.25 98.77 118.19 122.41 124.72 125.05 125.29 124.45 124.35 124.42 3.86 -7.54 -14.38 8.24 19.67 3.57 1.89 0.26 0.19 -0.66 -0.08 0.05
11.09 Recreation and culture 2.71 102.4 103.48 106.65 108.02 110.52 111.25 111.83 111.94 112.23 112.84 113.05 113.95 0.63 1.05 3.06 1.29 2.31 0.66 0.53 0.1 0.26 0.54 0.19 0.8
11.1 Education 0.83 110.18 115.26 119.17 122.77 126.99 136.73 144 148.96 149.44 150.14 152.18 154.86 6.14 4.61 3.39 3.02 3.44 7.66 5.32 3.44 0.32 0.47 1.36 1.76
11.11 Restaurants and hotels 1.81 106.17 106.38 107.25 107.25 104.61 99.32 99.32 100.13 104.06 104.61 119.01 130.55 -0.43 0.2 0.82 0 -2.46 -5.05 0 0.81 3.92 0.53 13.76 9.7
11.12 Miscellaneous goods and services 4.59 99.94 103.83 104.37 105.45 106.54 107.1 107.19 107.44 107.4687384 108.4535762 109.3717191 112.7849683 1.14 3.9 0.52 1.03 1.04 0.52 0.09 0.23 0.03 0.92 0.85 3.12
t-represents the year
Source: Central Statistical Office, Economic Division
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