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GDP by Economic Activity (Industry) in Current Prices (EC$ Million), 2000 to 2019

Sector 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry 61.16 56.25 71.57 68.68 60.17 35.61 50.53 51.70 57.94 70.03 67.94 69.44 74.28 79.85 120.65 167.76 144.22 129.14 133.48 123.33
Crops 52.46 47.58 63.32 59.71 51.58 25.12 39.96 39.61 45.17 56.28 52.99 53.46 58.71 63.38 102.32 150.09 124.70 110.62 111.84 103.37
Bananas 0.17 0.25 0.29 0.24 0.05 0.11 0.48 0.54 0.91 0.76 0.48 2.18 3.95 3.54 3.18 4.00 4.45 4.68 3.55 2.7
Nutmegs 15.46 12.92 24.75 15.02 10.83 0.93 1.77 2.82 2.83 3.47 2.16 7.89 6.60 7.62 10.49 9.28 7.72 7.11 6.36 6.31
Other Crops 36.84 34.42 38.28 44.45 40.71 24.09 37.71 36.25 41.43 52.04 50.35 43.39 48.16 52.22 88.64 136.81 112.53 98.83 101.94 94.36
Livestock 6.24 6.26 6.01 6.72 5.28 7.18 7.83 9.22 9.46 10.34 11.36 12.29 11.78 12.56 14.31 13.56 15.33 14.26 17.28 15.37
Forestry 2.46 2.41 2.24 2.25 3.30 3.31 2.74 2.87 3.31 3.41 3.58 3.68 3.79 3.91 4.03 4.11 4.19 4.26 4.37 4.59
Fishing 11.35 19.15 20.20 24.99 20.94 20.06 22.87 21.16 26.08 26.31 26.02 24.07 30.08 30.16 29.51 32.21 33.68 34.12 33.22 36.76
Mining & Quarrying 8.76 6.92 5.87 8.24 6.97 7.61 10.72 10.73 11.06 8.89 6.61 4.95 4.25 5.22 5.56 7.82 5.81 6.13 6.34 6.8
Manufacturing 63.67 63.34 63.70 62.05 54.37 54.38 63.83 73.63 73.90 69.04 71.88 71.01 70.12 76.91 84.19 92.04 96.12 93.63 98.16 110.54
Electricity & Water 46.36 51.98 60.91 62.56 57.66 54.55 68.32 78.28 88.98 79.58 80.71 80.25 86.27 86.76 91.26 88.58 85.33 81.7 85.37 89.57
Electricity 30.96 36.77 39.51 42.79 35.13 36.27 45.53 54.42 68.98 59.61 64.95 64.00 69.55 70.51 75.09 70.42 65.40 61.16 64.98 69.12
Water 15.40 15.21 21.40 19.77 22.54 18.28 22.79 23.86 19.99 19.97 15.76 16.26 16.72 16.25 16.18 18.16 19.93 20.54 20.39 20.45
Construction 132.68 109.79 111.96 138.56 151.32 312.53 223.53 222.85 217.56 149.14 147.01 124.31 105.39 135.92 134.26 143.32 161.16 205.02 233.22 236.48
Wholesale & Retail Trade 110.90 110.63 116.71 106.26 110.34 139.05 144.87 151.32 164.26 136.29 142.57 148.13 153.01 158.47 162.71 177.16 174.21 192.07 208.72 216.59
Hotels & Restaurants 86.18 81.60 86.05 96.09 79.18 40.11 78.09 90.74 95.92 91.13 72.08 79.67 70.90 81.16 112.00 147.49 191.01 196.32 209.54 207.84
Hotels 65.88 62.04 66.08 77.61 61.71 21.17 41.43 65.56 70.78 64.96 52.60 56.73 50.68 57.91 77.87 113.28 153.32 154.35 164.38 161.33
Restaurants 20.29 19.56 19.97 18.48 17.47 18.94 36.65 25.18 25.13 26.18 19.48 22.94 20.21 23.24 34.13 34.21 37.69 41.97 45.16 46.52
Transport, Storage and Communications 210.80 201.33 191.15 211.34 224.58 261.49 239.83 258.11 260.49 258.47 235.69 233.39 227.06 237.18 243.15 272.33 277.39 299.45 307.28 343.6
Transport and Storage 132.34 125.94 125.48 147.34 165.51 188.21 163.56 175.64 177.15 181.57 165.57 157.06 151.49 166.79 181.07 200.51 203.93 223.5 239.64 264.41
Road Transport 80.60 82.35 83.10 100.86 118.47 134.51 106.98 111.17 113.44 119.84 111.23 104.07 95.39 106.80 112.70 122.07 127.90 148.27 162.25 180.11
Sea Transport 9.15 9.15 9.15 9.83 11.90 14.13 15.75 22.51 25.74 23.60 21.79 20.79 18.04 18.12 20.86 19.84 20.59 22.35 24.48 26.14
Air Transport 2.39 1.71 1.34 1.14 0.80 1.16 0.73 0.66 2.35 2.83 2.41 2.06 2.78 1.38 1.59 2.59 3.01 2.01 2.64 2.78
Supporting and Auxiliary Transport Activities 40.20 32.73 31.88 35.50 34.34 38.41 40.09 41.30 35.61 35.31 30.14 30.13 35.28 40.49 45.92 56.00 52.44 50.87 50.28 55.38
Communications 78.46 75.39 65.67 64.00 59.07 73.28 76.27 82.47 83.34 76.89 70.12 76.33 75.57 70.39 62.08 71.82 73.46 75.95 67.63 79.19
Financial Intermediation 85.74 103.44 101.05 120.52 119.14 121.86 118.84 129.59 144.94 137.98 130.03 117.87 134.57 124.57 121.98 138.22 161.87 158.6 165.34 171.39
Banks 70.64 73.63 78.87 92.34 94.78 92.03 91.45 97.62 112.09 105.29 106.83 94.68 111.50 100.96 97.44 108.46 132.57 129.11 133.4 140.3
Insurance 14.94 29.61 22.00 27.99 24.17 29.63 27.17 31.88 31.89 31.78 22.13 22.36 22.18 22.23 22.60 27.87 27.20 27.41 30.01 28.9
Activities Auxiliary to Financial Intermediation 0.15 0.19 0.17 0.20 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.10 0.96 0.91 1.07 0.84 0.89 1.39 1.94 1.89 2.10 2.08 1.93 2.19
Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities 167.52 173.88 177.25 186.84 194.35 224.73 229.83 239.72 246.06 244.75 244.88 253.61 254.47 257.84 267.17 266.22 270.52 279.29 287.95 295.99
Owner Occupied Dwellings 116.64 122.06 123.04 127.25 131.42 143.83 154.07 161.16 165.41 169.30 169.60 174.56 176.29 177.36 179.52 175.81 175.23 178.13 182.53 185.34
Real Estate Activities 14.86 15.55 15.67 16.21 16.74 18.32 19.63 20.53 21.07 21.57 21.61 22.24 22.46 22.60 22.87 22.40 22.32 22.69 23.25 23.77
Renting of Machinery and Equipment 3.34 3.20 3.48 3.95 3.66 2.63 2.57 3.22 2.97 2.60 2.59 2.64 2.85 2.92 3.30 3.27 3.61 3.73 4.17 4.71
Computer and Related Activities 1.26 1.43 1.54 1.65 1.77 1.89 2.03 2.11 2.26 2.34 2.34 2.67 2.71 2.65 3.07 3.23 3.41 3.48 3.52 3.67
Business Services 31.42 31.65 33.52 37.78 40.76 58.06 51.53 52.70 54.35 48.95 48.74 51.49 50.17 52.31 58.40 61.52 65.95 71.25 74.48 78.5
Public Administration, Defence & Compulsory Social Security 76.91 69.19 78.91 87.82 97.32 97.40 107.02 118.83 149.45 141.59 148.90 153.43 161.75 175.31 178.13 166.85 170.86 178.63 174.46 182.84
Education 108.17 131.69 135.11 150.29 171.82 188.72 202.23 255.32 326.49 345.50 350.02 368.93 419.25 445.62 484.07 517.07 556.10 609.87 598.32 629.29
Public 47.18 57.49 57.80 58.60 68.10 68.44 70.70 72.79 95.96 87.44 82.88 86.87 86.73 96.37 99.65 91.82 89.74 97.76 100.76 101.62
Private 60.99 74.21 77.31 91.69 103.72 120.28 131.53 182.54 230.54 258.06 267.15 282.06 332.52 349.25 384.42 425.25 466.36 512.12 497.56 527.67
Health and Social Work 26.45 29.13 30.66 30.24 34.32 33.35 35.21 34.50 42.73 39.48 44.94 46.70 46.63 51.66 52.92 47.96 49.50 54.1 57.84 56.14
Public 23.45 27.38 28.90 27.25 31.37 30.11 31.76 30.59 38.63 35.31 41.06 44.08 43.58 47.31 48.65 43.50 44.43 48.68 52.03 50.37
Private 3.00 1.74 1.76 2.99 2.96 3.25 3.45 3.91 4.09 4.17 3.88 2.62 3.05 4.35 4.26 4.46 5.07 5.42 5.81 5.78
Other Community, Social & Personal Services 23.28 23.67 25.19 27.87 28.59 34.32 32.61 36.55 38.83 36.22 35.34 33.32 34.96 35.40 38.80 44.51 47.20 48.56 49.46 53.35
Activities of Private Households as Employers 12.61 13.25 13.51 13.94 14.42 15.07 15.79 16.53 17.97 18.04 18.75 18.64 19.26 19.42 19.37 19.39 19.88 20.15 20.62 21.19
Less: FISIM 21.20 21.61 20.81 19.86 19.48 20.28 22.38 25.96 28.55 27.50 26.10 23.81 28.31 21.96 21.55 23.78 27.77 34.38 37.88 38.59
GVA in Basic Prices 1,211.33 1,223.62 1,268.97 1,376.43 1,406.02 1,620.57 1,621.72 1,763.61 1,934.09 1,824.94 1,797.27 1,803.90 1,863.92 1,979.49 2,124.18 2,305.15 2,417.09 2552.41 2631.46 2743.12
Growth Rate 8.70 1.01 3.71 8.47 2.15 15.26 0.07 8.75 9.67 (5.64) (1.52) 0.37 3.33 6.20 7.31 8.52 4.86 5.6 3.1 4.12
Plus: Product Taxes 192.79 181.58 189.94 219.32 211.60 256.93 264.77 284.83 296.05 257.50 284.47 298.47 295.76 295.59 336.86 386.77 449.31 486.94 520.89 528.25
Less: Subsidies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
GDP in Market Prices 1,404.12 1,405.20 1,458.91 1,595.75 1,617.62 1,877.50 1,886.49 2,048.45 2,230.14 2,082.44 2,081.74 2,102.37 2,159.68 2,275.07 2,461.04 2,691.92 2,866.40 3039.35 3152.35 3271.37
Growth Rate 7.89 0.08 3.82 9.38 1.37 16.07 0.48 8.58 8.87 (6.62) (0.03) 0.99 2.73 5.34 8.17 9.38 6.48 6.03 3.72 3.67
Note - Means Data not available for that specific year
Source: Central Statistical Office, Grenada and Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
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